Mesh Integration Hair System: Your Solution to Hair Loss?

Hair loss is one of the most common concerns facing adults in the United States. Over 50 percent of men over age 50 have some kind of hair loss, and 30 million women do too. It’s a source of embarrassment and stress for many, and there are lots of remedies on the market.

If you’re living with alopecia or thinning hair, you’ve probably explored some of the options available to you. Hormone replacement therapy, topical ointments, and wigs work well for some, but they don’t fit everyone’s lifestyle or budget.

For a more permanent and stable solution, we turn our attention to the mesh integration hair system. Much like hair extensions, this approach is adaptable, invisible, and easy to maintain.

Let’s learn all about the mesh integration hair system!

What is mesh integration?

mesh integration system

Mesh integration is a method of hair replacement that uses breathable netting to address balding and thinning hair. The best part? You only need 20% of your existing hair for this hair replacement system to work for you!

How is mesh integration different from hair extensions? 

With the mesh integration hair system, you won’t have to lose any of your existing hair to make way for adhesive. Instead, we use a cap made from breathable netting that is tied down close to your scalp. While it can enhance the look of your natural hair, it’s not a product you apply and remove on your own.

Specially designed for women experiencing hair loss, this system can have you feeling back to your old self in no time! 

mesh integration process

What does the process of a mesh integration system look like?

If this approach is right for you, the process is fairly simple. After an initial consultation with your specialist, you’ll come in for an extended appointment for installation. They’ll fit the mesh cap to your scalp and attach it using beads. Hair extensions that match your hair are sewn into the netting.

Your provider will then pull your existing hair through the netting and ensure the cap is secure. Because this appliance functions as your natural hair, getting the right look can take some time. But your patience is rewarded when you see the final look!

You’ll need to come in every three to six weeks to have your system adjusted, but that’s all the maintenance required. 

With the right haircare regimen, mesh hair integration systems can last up to a year before replacement.

The benefits of mesh integration for hair

Recapturing lush, gorgeous hair couldn’t be easier. Mesh integration hair systems are invisible and stable, so you won’t have to give up your aerial yoga!

Mesh integration is more comfortable than wigs

Wigs can be uncomfortable and move throughout the day. Even the most expensive lace-front can start looking tired and worn after a while. Mesh integration works with your hair to fill in the gaps, and it feels like your natural hair.

mesh integration before

Your scalp can breathe easily underneath the netting, and you won’t experience the itchiness and irritation you get from cheaper wigs.

Natural-looking hair is more achievable with mesh integration

Mesh hair integration systems use natural human hair to support your existing locks. Because it’s blended with your own hair, the final look gives you a natural hairline. Even better, the netting is nearly undetectable to touch!

Mesh integration is durable and long-lasting

The netting used in mesh hair integration systems is fitted snugly to your scalp and connected to your existing hair. During regular wear, it won’t move or shed. Because you don’t have to remove it, it becomes part of your everyday life!

Following your stylist’s care instructions, you can enjoy your full head of hair for up to a year!

Mesh integration is great for those who have hair loss conditions

For those with alopecia, trichotillomania, or pattern baldness, mesh integration can help. It’s a long-term solution that doesn’t require hair removal to work. Your stylist will work with your natural hair color and texture to give you the most natural result possible! 

How do you take care of a mesh integration system?

Mesh integration hair systems use natural hair, and, for the most part, you can treat it like your natural hair. To help you get the most out of your hair, we’ve got some aftercare tips you’ll want to follow.

Use gentle shampoos and mesh integration system-friendly products

Washing and styling your new hair is easy, but you may have to change some of the products you use. We recommend using gentle, lightly scented shampoos and conditioners to prolong the life of your hair piece. You can use styling products on your hair system sparingly to avoid buildup.

Avoid heat styling

Heat styling tools can damage your hair system, so avoid them if you can. If you plan to use curling or straightening tools, use them on the lowest heat setting to prevent scorching.

When brushing, use gentle techniques

Brushing your hair helps to keep it tangle-free and looking healthy. Don’t tug or pull on your hair system excessively since it can damage the hair. To get the most life out of your hair system, avoid saltwater, chlorine, and harsh chemicals that can degrade the hair.

B/Bauer Hair Lounge will help you achieve the hair of your dreams!

B/Bauer Hair Lounge specializes in helping women suffering from hair loss achieve a full head of beautiful hair! Our stylists can help you find the best solution for your thinning hair. Stop living without your old confidence and low self-esteem by integrating a mesh hair system into your life.

If you think this might be the solution you’ve been waiting for, reach out for a free consultation today!


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